News & Awards




dirona best of north america antica sicilia

dirona best of north america antica sicilia on Dirona

At Antica Sicilia, the commitment to providing unparalleled service is evident from the moment you step through the doors...

— Dirona

best of city weekly for many years antica sicilia /basta/sicilia mia

best of city weekly for many years on Weekly City

This year's City Weekly Dining Guide is all about that brave new world that's just over the horizon for Utah's food scene...

— Alex Springer

salt lake city best by salt lake tribune, sicilia mia

salt lake city best by salt lake tribune, sicilia mia on salt lake city tribune

This year's City Weekly Dining Guide is all about that brave new world that's just over the horizon for Utah's food scene...

— Alex Springer

Winners, we look forward to seeing you at the Gala!

Winners, we look forward to seeing you at the Gala! on Best of State

best of SLC